1. Click and watch the video. Listen and repeat the Easter vocabulary. Fes click i mira el vídeo. Escolta i repeteix el vocabulari de Pasqua.
2. Read Allison's presentation about Easter traditions in the USA. Then, copy the following sentences in your notebook and write if they are: true or false. Don't forget to write the date, weather and season, as we do in class. The title of the activity is: EASTER READING ACTIVITY. Send me a photo of your work to: penyaenglish@gmail.com LLig la presentació d'Allison sobre les tradicions en Estats Units. Aleshores, còpia les oracions de baix en la teua llibreta i diu si són: vertaderes o falses. No t'oblides d'escriure la data, oratge i estació, com fem a classe. El títol de l'activitat és: EASTER READING ACTIVITY. Envia'm una foto del teu treball a: penyaenglish@gmail.com.
Friday, 3rd April 2020
It's sunny and chilly.
It's spring.
Copy the sentences and answer True or False:
1. Easter in not a polular festivity (holiday) in the United States. ___False____
2. The most popular colours to dye and decorate eggs are red and black. _________
3. The Easter Bunny hops around and hides the eggs for children. _____________
4. The traditional centrepiece of the Easter meal is turkey. ______________
5. Candy (Sweets) is all around during Eastertime. ___________
6. Typical candy includes: crisps, ham sanwiches and bananas. __________
3. Now click and watch how British people celebrate Easter in the United Kigdom. What is similar? What is different? Think about it. Ara fes click i mira com els británics celebren la Pasqua al Regne Unit. Què és similar? Què és diferent? Pensa.
4. Click and play the interactive games. Fes click i juga als jocs interactius.
5. Optional Easter activity. You have the answers in the 6th grade section on the right. Can you find all the words?🧐 Activitat opcional de Pasqua. Tens les solucions en la secció de sisé curs a la dreta. Pots trobar totes les paraules?🧐