Hi everyone!
Do you like music? I love! music. I can't imagine myself living in a world without music.
Today, we are going to use music to create drawings.
Vos agrada la música? A mi m'encanta. No em puc imaginar vivint en un món sense ella. Hui anem a utilitzar la música per crear dibuixos.
1) Cardboard or sheet of paper or Arts book p.19 (visual expression of music).
Cartolina o un full de paper o, si el teniu a casa, teniu la proposta a la pàgina 19 del vostre Arts Book (Visual expression of music).
2) Choose one: trieu només un, el que més vos agrade. Sou lliures ;)
- Colored pencils llapis de colors
- Markers retoladors
- Soft wax crayons ceres blanes
- Watercolours aquarel·les
Play this song and draw what you feel, express the music through your picture. Very important! Do not listen to the music and then, do the task. Draw while your are listening to the music and do not worry about "the perfect result". It will be perfect.
When you finish, send me pictures of your creations. I would like to see them. sanchez_aingom@gva.es
Quan acabeu, podeu enviar-me les vostres creacions. M'agradarà molt veure el que heu fet. sanchez_aingom@gva.es