1. Routines vocabulary. Listen and repeat. Vocabulari de les rutines. Escolta i repeteix.
2. Watch the grammar video about the simple past of the regular and irregular verbs in the affirmative form. Mira el vÃdeo de gramà tica sobre el pasat simple dels verbs regulars i irregulars en la forma afirmativa.
3. What did Allison do yesterday? Watch the video. Què va fer Allison ahir? Mira el vÃdeo. You will find the video on the right, in the 6th GRADE SECTION. Trobareu el vÃdeo a la dreta, en la secció de 6é curs.
4. And, what did you do yesterday? Write 10 sentences on your notebook. I què vas fer tu ahir? Escriu 10 frases en la teua llibreta. Send a photo of your work to: munoz_anagar@gva.es. Envia'm una foto del teu treball.
I got up at eight o'clock.
I had breakfast at quarter past eight.
I ate a toast and drank some milk.
5. Now it's your turn!😃 Ask someone at home to record your presentation of your day yesterday and send it to me to: penyaenglish@gmail.com Ara és el teu torn! Demana-li a algú a casa que et grabe i envia'm el vÃdeo.Thank you!!!
6. Listen and sing! 😎Can you find 8 verbs in the simple past? Escolta i canta. Pots trobar 8 verbs en el passat simple.